I produced this 3D animation as part of my diploma thesis at FH JOANNEUM. The aim was to visually depict and explain the biosynthesis and functioning of microRNAs in a clear and understandable manner.
The video counts over one million views on YouTube (without advertising) and is being used worldwide by numerous universities and educational institutions to explain the topic effectively. It serves as an outstanding example of how a complex and abstract subject can be conveyed in a simple, understandable, and impressive way, generating interest.
This project gave me with a fantastic opportunity to combine my two areas of study, molecular biology and design.
Scientific background: MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that regulate gene activity within the cell. They can bind to specific target gene messenger RNAs, thereby preventing their transcription. This process effectively silences the respective gene (gene silencing).
Article about my project in the science magazine “Spektrum der Wissenschaft”
How more than 200 cell types are derived from the same DNA
“Mutations” by Small Collin